McBrien cleared of plagiarism complaint
A c o m p la in t of p la g ia r ism a g a in s t th eo lo g y p ro fe s s o r F a th e r R ichard McBrien was recently dismissed by theology d e p a r t m e n t c h a i r Jo h n C a v a d i n i , ac c o rd in g to an a r t ic le in the N ational C a t h o l i c R e p o r t e r p u b l i s h e d today. “Although I d id no t r e l e a s e the McBrien University investigator’s report to th e N a t io n a l C a tho lic Reporter, nor do I know who did, 1 can verify the accuracy of the story in this week’s issue,” McBrien told The Observer in an e-mail Thursday. T h o u g h C av ad in i spoke to NCR, he d id n o t r e t u r n Observer phone calls seeking comment Thursday. The complaint, which origi nated with the Catholic group the Cardinal Newman Society, was dismissed “on the grounds that the alleged copying consti tutes ‘carelessness’ ra ther than unethical behavior; that s ta te ments of regret and apology for o vers ig h t have a l re a d y been issued; and that there is no pre vious instance to indicate a pat te rn requ ir ing investigation,” according to a letter obtained by th e NCR, from P ro fe s so r Cavadini to Jeffrey Kantor, vice president for graduate studies and research. T he C a rd in a l N ew m an S oc ie ty — an o r g a n iz a t io n C av ad in i c a l led “a m i l i t a n t r ig h t -w in g C atho lic i n te r e s t g roup” — requested in a Jan. 19 letter to University President F a t h e r Jo h n J e n k in s th e University investigate similari ties in structure and language between a column written by McBrien for the Jan. 6 issue of The Tidings of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and an op-ed piece by Eileen McNamara for the Dec. 11 Boston Globe. The two p u b l ica t ions c r i t i c ized p r o t e s t s of a C atho lic Charities fundraiser benefiting Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, a supporter of abortion rights and gay marriage. McBrien cited M c N am ara ’s piece in his column, but sent letters of apology to McNamara and to the Globe for too closely p a ra p h ra s in g a sen tence . He a lso a g re e d to add a fo rm al s ta tem en t in a fu ture column “adm itting and regre tt ing the o v e r s ig h t ,” ac c o rd in g to the NCR. “I am pleased that the review process within the University is now officially over, and I am, com ple te ly sa t is f ied with its o u tc o m e ,” M cBrien told The Observer. McBrien said he would nei ther release the report to any one nor conduct further in ter views about the matter.
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تاریخ انتشار 2014